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Hello. I want to find someone

CrursoseFluof's picture
Đầu bếp: CrursoseFluof

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CrursoseFluof đã gửi 0 công thức món ăn & 0 bài blog

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I need some help as I am looking for user named Zarik3P , maybe he is registered here? Thanks everyone for help.
  • camtu's picture


    08:46 26/08/2010
    Hi CrursoseFluof,

    If you want to find a member in BGĐ website, you can use the search engine on the main page. Let's do the following steps:

    - Type the nickname of that member on the field "Nhập từ khóa tìm kiếm".
    - In the field "Chọn danh mục", please choose "Thành viên"
    - Then summit it to find.

    I've just searched for the nickname
    "Zarik3P" but there's no result. May be your friend hasn't registered :)
